Power Structure of Expansion/Relocation of Teams in the NFL

Abstract: This paper will look at NFL expansion and will look at in depth roles of owners, players, and the community. This paper will outline the power structure of the NFL, especially in regards to relocation of teams and expansion of the league. There are some proposals on the floor and we will dive into both the pros and cons of these proposals.

research 3

One thought on “Power Structure of Expansion/Relocation of Teams in the NFL

  • December 8, 2015 at 12:29 pm

    I was intrigued by the topic of your paper, I did my first research on the power structure of NHL expansion. I really enjoyed seeing the similarities and differences between NFL expansion and NHL expansion. Your paper and its content really showed me how ready NFL power players are for expansion or relocation to Los Angeles. I would have liked to hear more about who makes the final decision regarding expansion/relocation and how this process is overseen. But overall I think you did a very nice job showing who the power players are in this process.

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