Research rubrics available for pick-up, section 2

Hi folks!

I’ve been asked about returning feedback/grades on research 2.

-these are ready for pick-up now for people in section 2 (because your comments on blog posts were due at noon today). These comments aren’t due until Friday for section 1. People who have completed these comments in section 1, your rubrics are ready for pick up as well.

-all will be in an envelope in front of my office.


Hope you all are well.



“Late” reaction 3 papers???

Hey y’all – I talked to a couple of people after class on Wednesday who were surprised to see I’d marked your papers “late.” But WAIT! You said, you’d posted on 11/23. But blog showed 11/24.

Stupid blog didn’t fall back when the time changed.

So if you submitted ON TIME but I marked you late, come show me your rubric, and I’ll add your points back.



Thanks for raising the issue, y’all!



research presentation feedback

Hi folks – I will be making research presentation grades/feedback available on a rolling basis. I have a manila envelope outside my door, your name will be on a piece of paper with info on it. Feel free to take it!

In other words – feedback is ready for people who presented yesterday.

Have a great holiday, all.



Readings and such for next Wed., Fri

Hi folks-

Here are some articles, a brief news podcast and a clip from PBS. I am still looking, if I find something else wonderful, I’ll ask you to read/watch/listen to it.

What I find FASCINATING is that I’m looking for work examining outcomes/consequences of rioting, and that is not prominent discourse in the U.S. We want to explain WHY, but not look through the end results, or the next stage.

In the meantime, you could work through these QUICKLY – plan on them for Wednesday,maybe into Friday…

  1. HuffPo piece:
  2. NYT:
  3. NPR:
  4. PBS:

Important updates, folks.

  1. REACTION PAPERS: If you’ve not gotten grades back for papers you HAVE loaded onto the blog, then in all likelihood you didn’t categorize them appropriately. No worries! Please email me and let me know if you are missing grades, and I can find the relevant paper and get it graded. Fair?
  2. PRESENTATIONS ON RESEARCH: BOTH classes have opted to complete presentations on research projects BEFORE the final exam period. Next week I will pass around sign-up sheets so that you each know when you will be presenting. Please remember that you can choose to present on your first research project, or on your second research project, or on your efforts to improve the community. (Having trouble remembering the “improve the community” option? It’s an announcement, but I will re-post it shortly, so you can find it more easily.)
  3. Keep an eye on this space by Sunday – I have some more “TBA readings.” So you’ll reach ch 8 of Abu-Lughod for tomorrow (Friday), the Jobard article here on the blog for Monday – and then I will post additional readings for Wednesday & Friday.




reading for this week (11/9-11/13)

Hi people,

Here’s what I’d like us all to read for class this week, all from Abu-Lughod:

Monday: through ch 5 (the NY chapters)

Wed: ch 7 (LA, 1992)

Fri: Ch 8 (theory/comparison chapters)

For the empirical chapters, get a sense of the narrative (what happened, etc.); but also keep your eyes on how do we explain riots, and how to explain NOT riots. I am still v interested in responses and outcomes of riots – not sure our material gets us there yet…


Monday discussion sect2

Hello everyone. For tomorrow’s discussion we will be focusing on New York between the 1943 riot and the 1964 uprising. Please be familiar with the end of chapter four starting with the section: Intensified Political Mobilization in the 1940’s Foreshadows the Next Riot and get through all of chapter five. Thank you, see you Monday. 

For your 2nd research project – PLEASE READ THIS

Hiya folks!

I’m about done working through your research papers, and what strikes me is (a) how much work you all have put into these interesting, creative projects; and (b) how much work I am putting into reading and thinking through your interesting, creative projects.

This is more work on BOTH ends than I’d intended.

So I have an option to suggest for you for research project 2.

Go make your community better. Choose what you mean by “community,” what you mean by “better.” But do it in such a way that acknowledges or impacts the distribution of power in that community. (Ah! There’s the catch! Because you have to think through how your type of community engagement is related to issues of power in the community!) When you are done, write up 3-4 paragraphs on what you did, why you chose that option, and how it did/did not work to have an impact on your community, distribution of power within it. **I would like to also encourage you to work with a partner or a group – because we’ve seen that collective action tends to have more impact than individual actions – but this is just a suggestion.

Your alternative – and this may appeal to some of you!! – is to keep research project #2 as previously assigned.

I welcome feedback – we can talk about this anytime.