A few things to help things run more smoothly, I hope.

Two types of things I want to discuss here today: discussion leading, and using the blog.

(a) Discussion leading: I have *most* people scheduled now (hooray!), but please feel free to let me know where you think there might be errors in the schedule.

I’ve posted some general guidelines on leading discussion, but I want to warmly invite you to meet with me to discuss your plan. This is NOT mandatory – but I can be a pretty helpful resource when thinking through how you want to organize your ideas, or what type of activities you would like us to engage in during your discussion. You are always welcome during my office hours – and I can make other time available as well, just email me for a different appointment, if needed.

(b) The blog. First, if you try to register and you aren’t getting the password sent to you: check your spam folder. I tested out lots of stuff this morning using a test account, and was waiting and waiting for the password: it had gone to spam.

Second, if you want to post to the Bulletin Board, I recommend that you POST rather than comment. This will enable you to select “CP Bulletin Board” as a category, and then the post will know where to go. And then, also, you post will appear on the home page, until it is crowded out by other posts – and we will all see that there is something new and interesting to read.

Alternatively, you are welcome to COMMENT on pretty much anything. So long as you are logged in to the site, you *should* be able to edit your own comment, as needed. And there will be a running tally of recent comments on the side bar of the blog.

Why does all of this matter? Two reasons: one, I see cool stuff all the time, and want to share it with you – I know y’all see good info too. Please share! Second reason: there is a part of your grade that is about your contribution to class community. Our blog community MATTERS.  I’m not super suave at this, but y’all can help make it vibrant and meaningful, by your participation.

(and Third, you are required to comment on 2 research projects, a bit later in the semester…)

Let me know how I can help.


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