Allie Perez, Research#2, Therapeutic Riding

For the second research project I chose the alternative option, helping community. I volunteered at a local horse farm and helped with their therapeutic riding program. This program works with mentally disabled youth and adults in the local community. As a volunteer, I worked with both children and the horses to help insure that everything was done correctly and safely. research 2

2 thoughts on “Allie Perez, Research#2, Therapeutic Riding

  • December 3, 2015 at 7:48 pm

    Very cool– I know a couple people who have worked with therapeutic horse riding sites in the past. Interesting connection here being made between the course and the horses!

  • December 10, 2015 at 8:18 pm

    Two of my roommates have volunteered with this program as well so I was naturally drawn to reading this. I think the program sounds great, as it empowers people with disabilities and gives them an opportunity to ride horses as they may not get the chance to otherwise. I enjoyed reading how you relate it to power with the community.

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