I’m updating your readings from the syllabus (syllabus says we have some stuff TBA – this is me, announcing it.)
Section 1: (10am)
Wed: this piece by Useem breakdown. This article is comparing 2 competing theories that aim to explain the rise of “non-routine collective action.” Focus on: what is the distinction between routine/non-routine collective action? Do you find that distinction compelling? Then try to get clear on the differences between Breakdown Theory & Resource Mobilization Theory. We WILL talk about these in class. Finally, pay attention also to the role of government repression: even if we don’t get to this Wednesday, we will explore this as we read Abu-Lughod.
Fri: this piece on anti-war movements: Lieberfeld antiwar
What does this mean about Abu-Lughod book? We will push the chapters back a day. So, read ch 1 for Monday, then roughly a chapter/day after that. Discussion leaders will update you on which chapters to focus on in advance of their discussions.
Section 2 (11am)
Wed: this piece: Useem breakdown This article is comparing 2 competing theories that aim to explain the rise of “non-routine collective action.” Focus on: what is the distinction between routine/non-routine collective action? Do you find that distinction compelling? Then try to get clear on the differences between Breakdown Theory & Resource Mobilization Theory. We WILL talk about these in class. Finally, pay attention also to the role of government repression: even if we don’t get to this Wednesday, we will explore this as we read Abu-Lughod.
Fri: Ch1 of Abu-Lughod. Also these news articles: