South Park Episode Focuses On Gentrification

I’m not sure how many of y’all watch South Park, but the newest episode actually centered around the gentrification of the poor and run down part of South Park’s city. I think the episode actually does a really good job of explaining and giving an example of what gentrification is/how it affects a community (while also adding some comedy to it as well). I understand that South Park in the past does push their jokes a little too far and can be borderline offensive. However, it seems that the show is going for a new theme of becoming more “PC” in order to appeal to their viewers. I’m posting the link to the episode below and embedding the “advertisement” of the new swanky additions to the South Park community. Let me know how y’all think this adds to what we have talked about in class. Also, do you think it’s cool for the South Park writers to become more “PC,” yet do it in a comedic way? Or do you think it delegitimizes these important issues?




3 thoughts on “South Park Episode Focuses On Gentrification

  • October 8, 2015 at 4:51 pm

    I loved this episode! The “commercials” for SoDoSoPa had me laughing a little to loud. Especially the “Villa’s at Kenny’s House.” I love how south park approached this episode.

  • October 9, 2015 at 12:16 pm

    This was a very interesting connection to make between class and the outside world. I commend you for doing it in a way that accounts for the potential disconnects, but also for finding a clear link between the gentrification we discussed in class and in this episode. Interesting and relevant find! 🙂

  • October 16, 2015 at 7:10 pm

    HILARIOUS. Thanks SOOO much for sharing. I love the idea of the mega-development entirely so they could get a Whole Foods, so that Jimmy Fallon (was it Jimmy Fallon?) won’t mock them anymore. Excellent.

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