Research #2 Community Engagement Girl Scout Volunteer

Taylor Ford

Community Power Sec. 1

Research Paper #2

4 December 2015

Community Engagement – Girl Scout Volunteer Work

For my community engagement I am going to discuss my current involvement with a Girl Scout Troop in my hometown, Falls Church, VA.  I have been volunteering with this troop since my senior year of high school, and continue to help out occasionally on weekends and holidays.  Over Thanksgiving Break on Tuesday night when I got home, I attended a troop meeting, the girls were making gingerbread houses for an elderly community, Winter Hill.  This was just one meeting to make gingerbread houses they usually make houses a multiple meetings close to the holidays.  Closer to the holidays in mid December we will take the houses to the elderly and host a holiday party.  For now they are just making the house that will be decorated in the closer to the party date.  My involvement this year was helping make the houses and then once I get home after exams I plan to help decorate the houses and help them in hosting the holiday party.

I became involved with this form of community engagement through my own Girl Scout troop, this was an activity we use to partake in, and before graduating we helped a younger troop get involved in making houses and hosting a holiday party, passing the baton essentially.  I felt it was important to continue my involvement with the troop and have been able to help out on some weekends and holidays since coming to college.  I loved my time as a Girl Scout and I am still good friends with most of the members of my old troop.  I feel that the Scouts promote good values and provide great opportunities to young girls.

This involvement and community outreach allowed the girls and I to impact the elderly in our community.  Providing them with a little holiday cheer is wonderful especially at a time of year that can often be harder for older individuals as they may not have family or friends in the area to celebrate this joyous time of year.  It also allowed me to show the girls just how important giving back to the community can be!  I hope my involvement not only brought joy to the elderly but also to the young girls in the troop.

This experience showed they different power structures involved: the Girl Scouts organization has the most power is this case, that organization is the governing body for troops, then there is the actual troop (leaders, girls scouts, and other volunteers like myself) I worked with has power to make decisions in how they involve themselves with the local community, they had the power to decide to work with the elderly.  Beneath the troop is the elderly population at Winter Hill, they are receiving the outreach from the troop and have the decision as to whether or not they partake in the holiday party.  This is the power structure I have seen from my experience in volunteering with the local Girl Scout troop.

Reaction Paper 3 Race and Place in Baltimore Riots

In class we were exposed to the riots that occurred in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles in the 19th century.  We looked in depth at Abu-Lughod’s book Race, Space and Riots: In Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles, this book highlighted the issues of race and space in terms of riots.  This paper will explore the influence of these two factors in the riots that took place in Baltimore.  How did space and race influence the riots?  Were both factors equally influential in the events that took place?

Paper written by Taylor Ford (Section #1)

Reaction Paper #3

Reaction Paper 2 Mason Row Development Falls Church, VA

In class we have been exposed to different aspects of community organizing at the local level.  This paper will examine the impact community organizing is having on a commercial/residential development project named Mason Row and its effect on the local residents in Falls Church, Virginia.  The development of Mason Row will bring both more commercial and residential development to the city.  Its current submission includes studio, one and two bedroom apartments as well as several stores and a small movie theater.  When developers in conjunction with the local government look to change the landscape of a residential neighborhood, there are bound to be concerns and questions from those already living in the neighborhood.  In the case of Mason Row the primary concerns of the residential neighbor are the aesthetic look of the new development, increased traffic flow and on street parking concerns.  This paper will examine how the concerns by the neighbors have been brought to the developer and the local government.

Paper written by Taylor Ford Sec. 1

Reaction Paper #2 Ford

Reaction 1 NFL Stadium Development Los Angeles

In class we were exposed to the Atlantic Yards development in Brooklyn a borough of New York City.  This paper will compare Atlantic Yards to Los Angeles Stadium plan.  Major League sports teams fuel growth and development in our country’s major cities.  The changing sports landscape can be due to replacement of failing stadium infrastructure or the need of a new stadium to house a major league team that is new to the city.  In the case of Atlantic Yards, Barclay Center allowed for a larger development that is closer in proximity to the city and is the home stadium for the Brooklyn Nets and New York Islanders.  The development of Los Angeles Stadium is fueled by the desire to bring the National Football League back to the City of Angels.

Paper written by Taylor Ford Sec. 1.

Reaction Paper 1 Ford

NHL Expansion and the Power Structure Involved

This paper will look in depth at the power structure of expansion, as the NHL is considering expanding into two new markets in the coming years, Las Vegas, Nevada and Quebec City, Quebec.  It will look at the current NHL expansion proposals and examine the roles of a number of stakeholders.  Expansion in a major league sport involves many individuals and groups including: Board of Governors for the NHL, private developers, arena owners, NHL Commissioner, other NHL Executives, current NHL owners, coach and players as well as governments of the localities proposed in expansion.  All these groups and individuals have some role in expansion, this paper will show the most of the power lies within the NHL as an organization, and includes the Commissioner, other Executives, and the Board of Governors.  The localities of Las Vegas and Quebec City have some power as government units, but within these communities most of the power lies with the developer(s) who are looking to bring the NHL to these two cities.

NHL Expansion and Power